SN312-3/07/1.8W BQ CABLE Cable; CEE 7/7 (E/F) plug angled, IEC C13 female 90°; 1.8m; PVC

Part Nnumber
Cable; CEE 7/7 (E/F) plug angled, IEC C13 female 90°; 1.8m; PVC
Basic price
2,67 EUR

The product with part number SN312-3/07/1.8W (Cable; CEE 7/7 (E/F) plug angled, IEC C13 female 90°; 1.8m; PVC) is from company BQ CABLE and distributed with basic unit price 2,67 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Weight is 0.21 Kg.

Type of connection cable mains Cable length 1.8m Wire series Old nameNew nameCable screeningPair shielding UTPU/UTPnonenone STPU/FTPnonefoil FTPF/UTPfoilnone SSTPS/FTPbraidingfoil S-FTPSF/UTPbraiding, foilnone

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(keyword SN312-3/07/1.8W BQ CABLE Cable; CEE 7/7 (E/F) plug angled, IEC C13 female 90°; 1.8m; PVC)
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